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Fun-day Focus

Make-it Monday

We are going to make animal masks today so the children can perform a jungle animal parade before they go home today. To make an animal mask:

  • children will choose from a range of pre-cut animal-shape masks.
  • children will be encouraged to use the correct colour crayons to add colour to the animal mask template eg. brown for monkey and lion mask, grey for the elephant mask and green for the crocodile mask.
  • children will attach a lolly stick to the back of their mask using selotape (with help)
  • children will pretend to be their animal, making animal sounds and moving like their animal.

(This task will appeal to children who are reluctant in pencil and crayon activities and will improve their finger strength and pencil hold). 


Taste-it Tuesday

Children prepare and eat their own snack on Taste-it Tuesday.

By doing this, they develop their finger strength and physical control over utensils. They also develop their independence and gain confidence in their ability.

Young children love to help in the kitchen. There are lots of simple jobs you could ask your child to help with. They could mix/stir, place food on a baking tray, wash potatoes, put pasta in a bowl before you add it to the pan or chop soft ingredients such as banana or mushroom.

Chatting to your child as they help will support their listening and comprehension skills.

Wiggle Wednesday

Moving to music is lots of fun and great for developing physical skills, strength and stamina.

It also helps boost confidence as well as helping us to feel good, so lets all dance and move together:

JUMP and stop

We are putting decorations on our nursery tree today! We can do some dancing as we rock around the Christmas tree!

"Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree"

Thrilling Thursday

Today we will explore jungle animals more. They will be hidden in shaving foam and we can describe them when we find them. You may prefer to use soapy water if you have no shaving foam. Your child can enjoy finding the animals and you can describe them. What colour? What size? What shape? 

Foam Zoo Farm Surprise

Funky Friday

We're going to see how the animals move on Funky Friday!

Can An Elephant Jump?

We have thought about what the animals can do. What can we do?

What Can You Do Song
