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Keep Moving

Remember it is important to keep moving and get as much exercise as possible. Click on the images below to join in with some fun activities. 





Daily Read, Write, Inc lessons online. Click the image below. 


Read Write Inc have released some free eBooks online for you to read at home. Click the image below:


Please keep practising your High Frequency Words at home too. Click the image below: 


Remember to log into Bug Club. Don't forget to click on the bugs on each page of the book you choose, to answer the questions and get coins. Click the image below and have a go: 




Use the link below to see if you can complete the challenge


Can you help pour the drinks at lunch and dinner time? Can you give everyone an equal (the same) amount? 


Don't forget to log in to MyMaths to complete the capacity challenges set: 



Today we will look at three colours called the primary colours. They are Red,  Yellow and Blue. These are special colours because they can not be made by mixing other colours together, but, you can mix them together to make new colours.


Click on the images to watch the videos below to find out more: 




Can you draw pictures of things that are the primary colours e.g. red (apple) Blue (sky) ? 

Make a Rainbow

Lots of children have been making rainbows and putting them in the windows of their houses to tell people to stay inside and stay safe. 



Can you make a rainbow to put in a window in your house? 

