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Good Morning Everybodylaugh.
Today is Tuesday 28th April 2020.
What is the weather like today?
Here are today's busy work activities, good luckyes.

Phonics Time
Can you say these sounds?

g  o  c  k  u  b  f  e  l  h   


Now, in your busy work books, practice writing the following letters:
Remember to use the rhymes to help you.
o - all around the orange.

s - slither down the snake.

v - down a wing, up a wing.


mail Parents: Ask your child to write the following words in their busy work books.
Boys and girls, remember to use your 'Fred Fingers' to help you.


Words to write: thin, wig, sad, plan, sing.
As a challenge, your child could write a simple sentence: huff and puff.


Now let's play 'Match Cards' blush.
This is a new game. First, you Fred talk, read the word. Then, you find the correct picture and move it onto the word.

Jennie Time
Click on the photograph of Jennie to see your activity for today.

Maths Time
Today, at Maths Time, we are learning about 2D shapes - remember a 2D shape is a flat shape. 

We are going to find out how many sides and pointy corners each 2D shape has.
Click on the picture below, this will show you what a side and a pointy corner iswink.

Now, click on the icon below, to learn more about 2D shapes and their sides and pointy cornersyes.
Next, we would like you to draw the table below in your busy books and write how many sides, and pointy corners each 2D shape has. The first one has been done for youwink.

Challenge Time - Guess the shape
Mr Kirkbride is thinking of a 2D shape. It has no pointy corners, it has one side, and it looks abit like a squashed circle. What shape is he thinking of?

Miss Dodgson is thinking of a 2D shape. It has 4 pointy corners, it has 4 sides and all of its sides are the same size. What shape is she thinking of?

Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answerslaugh.

Story Time

Today's story book is called 'A Magical Muddle'. Tabitha is worried about a special visitor coming to her school. "She wanted to impress the Head Witch but sometimes, her spells went wrong." When Tabitha comes up with a brainy idea, will she dazzle or disappoint? Click on the icon below to enjoy this magical story about witches and friendshiplaugh.

Enjoy the rest of your daylaugh.
Take care and stay safe!
Miss Dodgson & Mr Kirkbride.

The answers to guess the shape: Mr Kirkbride was thinking of an oval, and Miss Dodgson was thinking of a square. We hope you got them rightyes.