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Key Words we will be using in KS1 and KS2

Key Vocabulary


  • Active volcano: a volcano that has had an eruption in the last 10,000 years, and it is possible it may erupt in the future
  • Altitude: the height of something above sea level
  • Amazon Basin: the area drained by the River Amazon and all of its tributaries
  • Amazon River: the longest river in South America. It flows through Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil
  • Ancient: something that belongs to the past, and is often no longer in existence
  • Antarctic: a polar region in the South Pole
  • Antarctic circle: imaginary line/circle about 66.5° south of the Equator
  • Arctic: a polar region in the North Pole
  • Arctic circle: imaginary line/circle about 66.5° north of the Equator
  • Bakery: a shop that sells bread, cakes, pastries, pies etc.
  • Bay: an indentation of a shoreline. Usually of softer rock
  • Beach: a landform by the sea. usually sand and/or rock
  • Biome: geographical area defined by its climate, plant and animal life and the activities of the people who live there
  • Butcher: a shop that sells meat products
  • Channel: a landform, it is the outline of the path that a river takes
  • Cliff: a vertical or near vertical rock feature, usually on the coast
  • Climate: weather patterns in a place over a long period, such as seasonal rainfall, sunshine and temperatures
  • Clock: an instrument for measuring and recording time
  • Coast: the region where land meets sea
  • Colour words: red, brown, yellow, green etc.
  • Common: land that everyone can use
  • Compass points: points on a magnetic compass marking the four main directions: North, South, East, West
  • Condensation: the change of a state of matter – from gas to liquid
  • Confluence: the meeting of two or more streams of water
  • Continent: land mass defined by physical, human, or cultural features: Europe, Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Oceania, North America or South America
  • Coral: marine invertebrates that typically live in compact colonies in the sea
  • Country: political area defined by physical, human or cultural features
  • Crater: a cup-shaped depression in the surface of the earth, caused by volcanic activity’
  • Day: time from sunrise to sunset each day, in relation to the Earth’s rotation on its axis
  • Descriptive temperature words: warm, cold, cool, dry, hot etc.
  • Desert: A dry area of land which receives very little rain or precipitation
  • Dock: a structure for handling boats and ships and their cargo
  • Dormant volcano: a volcano that has not erupted in the last 10,000 years, but it is possible that it will erupt in the future
  • Drought: period with very little or no rain
  • Dunes: sandy mounds by the sea or in a desert
  • Earthquake: movements, fractures and vibrations in the earth’s crust as tectonic plates move
  • Endangered: a species which is at risk of becoming extinct
  • Environment: conditions to which a plant, animal or person is adapted
  • Equator: imaginary line/circle of latitude around the Earth, midway between North and South Poles, dividing the Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The Equator lies at 0° latitude: the midday Sun is always high in the sky. Because the sun is never far from being overhead, the Sun’s rays are very concentrated and so temperatures are high
  • Erosion: a process where the surface of the earth is worn away by, e.g. water, wind, waves etc.
  • Eruption: the ejection of rock and gas from a volcano
  • Estuary: where the mouth of a river broadens as it meets the sea
  • Evaporation: the change of a state of matter – from liquid to gas
  • Extinct volcano: a volcano that has not had an eruption in the last 10,000 years, and will not erupt in the future
  • Far: distant
  • Farm: where animals and crops are raised and grown
  • Fast food: food that is prepared and served quickly
  • Fauna: animals native to an area, such as birds, reptiles and insects
  • Flora: plants native to an area, such as trees, climbers, flowers and grasses
  • Forest: large area covered with trees
  • Glacier: a mass of ice that moves very slowly down from mountains
  • Global Positioning Systems (GPS): internationally used way of pinpointing an exact location on the Earth’s surface using space-based satellite technology
  • Grassland: large area covered with grasses
  • Harbour: a sheltered port where boats can dock
  • Headland: promontory of land jutting into the sea. Usually of harder rock
  • High street: an area of a town where many of the shops and businesses are found
  • Infiltration: the process where water seeps into the ground (soil or rock)
  • International Date Line (iDl): a line of latitude. It is an imaginary north-to-south line/circle running through the Pacific Ocean, approximately along the 180° meridian from avoiding land
  • Key: symbols on a map, and what they mean
  • Latitude: imaginary horizontal line used to show NSS position on the Earth’s surface
  • Lava: molten, fluid rock that is ejected from a volcano and solidifies as it cools
  • Lines of latitude: imaginary parallel lines/circles, horizontal to the Equator, that never meet, and get smaller towards the Poles
  • Lines of longitude: imaginary north-to-south lines/ circles, meeting at the North and South Poles to make segments. They are all the same length and go from pole to pole
  • Longitude: imaginary vertical line used to show E-W position on the Earth’s surface
  • Man-made: something built by humans
  • Map: plan of a place, from above
  • Migration: the movement of people or animals from one place to another
  • Modern: something that belongs to the present
  • Mountain: large landform, often with a peak, rising and earth rising high above the surrounding area; higher and steeper than a hill
  • Mountain range: a chain of mountains
  • Natural: the opposite of man-made, something created naturally through a process of the earth, such as wind, water, volcanoes, earthquakes or plants growing.
  • Near: close
  • Newsagent: a shop that sells papers, magazines, confectionery etc.
  • Night: time from sunset to sunrise each day, in relation to the Earth’s rotation on its axis
  • North Pole: the most northerly place of the Earth
  • North, south, east, west: compass points, locational vocabulary
  • Northern Hemisphere: half of the Earth north of the Equator
  • Ocean: a body of salt water
  • Often: many times
  • Ordnance Survey (OS) grid references: the UK is covered by a grid of maps that are given letters.
  • Park: land or large garden where people walk or play
  • Passport: a document that entitles you to travel to different countries.
  • Peak: the top of a mountain
  • Percolation: the movement of rainwater through soil and rock
  • Physical feature: naturally occurring, e.g. rivers, mountains, lakes
  • Pier: a structure built on posts that extends out to sea
  • Plan: outlines of a room or rooms, from above
  • Plant: a living organism that gets its food through photosynthesis
  • Plate boundary: where two tectonic plates meet
  • Port: a place where ships load or unload
  • Precipitation: forms of water that fall through the sky, e.g. rain, snow, sleet etc.
  • Prime Meridian (Greenwich Meridian, PM): imaginary line/circle passing through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, London, marking 0° longitude
  • Processed: food that has been treated by chemicals or changed in some way
  • Promenade: a public walk by the seaside
  • Quay: a solid structure built parallel to the shoreline where boats can dock
  • Rainfall: measured level of water that has fallen as rain, snow, sleet or hail in a given period
  • Rarely: not often
  • Remote: a location far away from cities or towns – away from people and populations
  • Richter scale: a scale to measure the magnitude of an earthquake
  • River: natural watercourse, flowing downhill towards the sea, ocean or a lake
  • Rock pool: an area by the shoreline that is filled with seawater at high tide, and exists as a separate pool at low tide
  • Rockies: another name for the Rocky Mountains These are a mountain range in North America that stretches N-S across Canada and the USA
  • Run-off: water that flows over the earth and does not evaporate away or filter into the ground
  • Salt marsh: a coastal wetland that flooded by salt water at high tide and drained at low tide’
  • Sand: Fine particles of rocks and stones
  • School: building where children learn
  • Scree: a pile of rock material that has eroded off a cliff and fallen to the base
  • Seaside: a tourist resort by the coast
  • Seasons: a time of year marked by certain conditions: spring, summer, autumn, winter
  • Slum: a densely-populated and run-down area of a city, associated with poverty
  • Source: the original point where a river begins
  • South Pole: the most southerly place of the Earth.
  • Southern Hemisphere: half of the Earth south of the Equator
  • Supermarket: a shop that offers a wide variety of foods and products.
  • Symbol: picture on a map to show a feature on land
  • Tectonic plate: a massive slab of rock that ‘floats’ on top of the mantle (and inner layer) of the Earth
  • Temperature: measured level of heat or cold in the air
  • Tide: the periodic rise and fall of the sea caused by the movement of the moon and the sun
  • Time zone: area between lines of longitude following a standard time
  • Tourism: a worldwide industry based on travel for leisure, pleasure, business, and other reasons that provides information, amenities, attractions, accommodation etc.
  • Tributary: a river or stream that flows into a larger river
  • Tropic of Cancer: imaginary line/circle about 23.5° north of the Equator; the furthest north where the Sun appears overhead once a year
  • Tropic of Capricorn: imaginary line/circle about 23.5° south of the Equator; the furthest south that the Sun appears overhead once a year.
  • Tropical: to do with the region on either side of the Equator, between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn
  • Tsunami: a series of waves of water caused by the movement of tectonic plates below the surface
  • Tundra: land where the soil beneath the surface is frozen all year and trees cannot survive the low temperatures and short growing season
  • Vegetation belt: area where similar types of plant life grow, adapted to the conditions there
  • Village: place where people live, smaller than a town.
  • Volcano: a vent in the earth’s crust where lava, steam and ash is ejected during an eruption.
  • Weather: conditions in the atmosphere on a particular day, such as temperature, windiness, rainfall, hours of sunshine or cloud cover.
  • Weather words: sun, rain, clouds, rainbow etc.
  • Wetland: swamp or marsh near a river or coast
  • Wild: land not farmed, used for parks or gardens, or built on
  • Wood: land covered with trees, smaller than a forest