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Wiggle Wednesday

Good morning smiley


Today is 'Wiggle Wednesday' so let's start the day with some music and movement:

Boom Chicka Boom | Fun Dance Song for Kids | Repeat after me song

The next 'Wiggle' is tricky, with some more difficult actions.

You may need to pause to practice the actions.

See how still your child can stand at the 'freeze' command, now that they are bigger and have greater physical skills and control.

Brain Breaks - Action Songs for Children - Move and Freeze - Kids Songs by The Learning Station


Language and Literacy

Read the story 'A Duck So Small'.

A Duck So Small By A.H. Benjamin and Elisabeth Holstien

A small duck seeks to find something he can do that makes him special and appreciated by all the other ducks

Now you have finished the story, ask your child if they can recall what happened:

  • at the beginning of the story
  • in the middle of the story
  • at the end of the story

Try to extend children's understanding by asking questions. You could also extend children's language by adding extra words to their statements.



Draw 3 pictures in your 'Busy Book' to show the sequence of the story.


Mini Maths


This week we have been looking at simple addition and 'counting altogether' with real objects.

If you feel your child is ready, click on the link below to see a counting/ addition worksheet. 

Count all the objects in the row to find the total.


This story fits perfectly with our topic this week, looking at ways in which the children are growing and developing skills for increased independence.



Germs Are Not For Sharing | Storybook | Read Aloud | Pre School | Kindergarten | Hygiene For Kids


As children are getting older and are preparing to go to Reception, it is important that they become more independent in their self-care.

I know that lots of children are developing skills to go to the toilet and wash hands by themselves, as well as helping when getting dressed.


Whilst we are staying at home, it is the ideal time to toilet train children who are wearing pull-ups or nappies. 




Have a good day and enjoy the sunshinesmiley
