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Wiggle Wednesday

Good morning everyone and welcome to 'Wiggle Wednesday'!

Move your body to the music, counting,

  • "1 2 3", as you tap your sticks/spoons
  • "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8" quickly as you rub your sticks/spoons together

When children move to Reception In September, they will have a pet hamster.

His name is Nugget.


Here is a funny story about a hamster:

Hot Rod Hamster by Cynthia Lord - Read Aloud by Heather's Story Time Corner

Mini Maths 

Let's pretend Nugget is playing on the number slides below.

Say the numbers as you point to them- start at the top of the slide and move your finger down.

Then pause at the missing number and give your child time to say the missing number.

If they are unsure, repeat, pause slightly and then say the missing number for them.

Challenge- ask your child to do this independently, without your help.


The last picture card is:                  Can you name the 2 extra pictures?

        vulture                    queen              exercise

Get ready for a fun and fast 'Wiggle'.......


The HampsterDance Song

Enjoy your day!